VHCMA reunion 2005 at LZ San Antonio
Lots of new folks at the 228th mini-reunion this year !

Here we are in the 228th Hospitality room:
From the left: Ed Corlew, Bill Scott, David Knudsen, and Don Thompson.
Bill Scott is making sure the new guys have something to drink and a scrapbook to look at.


Jim and Rhonda Wooley (left) look at a scrap book with Debby Murphy and Lyn Corlew.



David Knudsen and Pat Murphy are telling "legends" in the background (left).
Don and Dollene Thompson are checking out a scrapbook (center).
Carol Knudsen and their daughter are looking at another scrapbook in the background (right).

If you have additional information and/or pictures of "LZ San Antonio"that
you would like to share with this web site, please email: Jim Ketcham.